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What is the treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

Treatment depends on the symptoms. Your primary physician or endocrinologist can determine the best course of action to alleviate specific symptoms you have. If weight is an issue, the most successful eating pattern is following a diabetic healthy eating plan. When choosing carbs, make sure they are complex carbs that don't raise your blood sugar.

If you develop unwanted hair, electrolysis will get rid of the unwanted hair permanently. To address the medical issues, sometimes medications are prescribed by your physician.

I went to see the endocrinologist and she said all my tests came back normal. How can that be with all this hair on my face?

Dr. Jeffrey Redmond, a NY endocrinologist, has told the electrology profession that some people's bodies are more sensitive to circulating hormones. So just because your blood levels have come back "normal," it does not mean that they are normal for YOU! As hard as it may seem, go back and have another conversation with your endocrinologist. We must each be an active advocate for our own health.

I have both acne and chin hair. Will electrolysis help?

Chin hair on women is often exacerbated by tweezing and waxing. The repeated irritation from yanking hairs out can result in a larger diameter hair growing from the follicle or ingrown hairs from the breaking off of hairs in the follicle. When women tweeze hairs from their chin and have acne on their chin, but not on the rest of their face, they should find relief from their acne with electrolysis treatments.

Once they have stopped tweezing hairs from the chin and allow the electrologist to properly treat the hair, skin will clear. Hormonally caused facial hair on women usually grows in a pattern, starting with the chin and corners of the upper lip.

What medications cause hair growth?

Many medications can cause hair growth or hair loss. Talk with your pharmacist about each medication you are on and also about how your medications interact.


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